Skill Mapping

As a pastor, you have the noble calling both to gather the people of God for worship and to commission them as they scatter and participate in God’s mission throughout their daily lives.
Bill Gorman
Christ Community Church
What it is
KNOW your people, THEIR SKILLS, and callings

To fully understand where God has placed your people — and to help prepare them for those callings — you first have to know about their daily lives and the professional skills and gifts they utilize every day.

Our Skill Mapping survey helps you identify and embrace these various callings and gives you a real-time picture of your church's professional demographics through a catalog of your people’s jobs, skills, and service interests.

Then, during a one-hour consultation call, we’ll present a written assessment to make your survey results actionable and build a vocationally informed vision for your congregation.

How it Works

Imagine — and plan for — what's possible

01 Start with THE survey

The Made to Flourish Skill Mapping survey uses 14 targeted questions to help you discover the unique vocational and gifting profile of your congregation. Once deployed, the Skill Mapping survey takes just five minutes for each congregant to complete. With our full assessment, you’ll get a comprehensive picture of your congregation’s professional demographics — what percent- age of your congregation works in a particular field such as health care or education, what areas of service your members share an interest in, where in your community is your congregation most gifted to engage, and more.

02 Apply the results

To help you process the data and begin taking steps to let it inform your practice, we will walk you through all of our findings during a 60-minute coaching session that will include practical and contextualized conversation around three areas of church life: weekly worship, discipleship and spiritual formation path- ways, and missional outreach. Our time together will jump start your imagination for what’s possible as you build a vocationally informed vision for your congregation.

03 Dig deeper.

If you want to take the next step in cultivating a vocationally informed church, the Made to Flourish Church Practicum will help you and your team plan and implement new priorities and practices that minister to and engage your congregants' daily lives.

Learn More
01 Start with THE survey

The Made to Flourish Skill Mapping survey uses 14 targeted questions to help you discover the unique vocational and gifting profile of your congregation. Once deployed, the Skill Mapping survey takes just five minutes for each congregant to complete. You'll get the results of your survey along with an assessment report — a comprehensive picture of your congregation’s professional demographics such as the percentage of your congregation working in a particular field and the needs within your community that your congregation may be strategically positioned to meet.

02 Apply the results

Your assessment report will give you vital and strategic information about your congregation. To help you process the data and begin taking steps to let it inform your practice, you can purchase a 60-minute coaching session in order to work through all of your skill mapping results. These practical and specific conversations help you form ideas and strategies around three areas of church life: weekly worship, spiritual formation, and missional outreach.


If you want to take the next step in cultivating a vocationally informed church, the Made to Flourish Church Practicum will help you and your team plan and implement new priorities and practices that minister to and engage your congregants' daily lives.


Got questions? Click to download more information or contact us at

Closing the Sunday to Monday gap will require more than hopeful thinking. Honest vocational appraisal is needed to begin doing the important work of equipping others for vocational diligence and faithfulness.
Work Mattters