Along with Cory Willson, Matthew Kaemingk recently published a book titled Work & Worship: Reconnecting our Labor and Liturgy. This book is a gift to the church - and in particular to pastors and worship leaders. Kaemingk explains that work and worship are not meant to be separate, but rather an integrated whole - our work giving shape to our worship, and vice versa.

Fellow pastors, please invite other pastors and worship leaders to come and participate in this conversation together. Our hope is that the questions and conversations generated during this time will serve to deepen your church's commitment to leading worship helps your congregation pursue their work as an act of worship.

Come with questions, thoughts, responses, and ideas that you'd like to pose to Matt and others during our time together. This will be less presentation, more conversation. The first 10 to register will receive a free copy of Matthew Kaemingk's book!